Main page » Stainless steel transport container 150-2000L » 653L stainless steel transport vessel with cup stirrer agitator

653L stainless steel transport vessel with cup stirrer agitator
An offer from INOX Behälter GmbH
Information about this series:
New stainless steel transport and agitator vessel
Type: SBPA650RWB
Volume: 653 Liters
Type: Standing on galvanized pallet
Single jacket
Material: AISI304 stainless steel
Surface: Outside satinated, inside BA
Weldings inside: Pickled, passivated and brushed
Operating pressure: ATM
Top: centric travers with 2pc folding lids
Bottom: Dished bottom with drainage
Tank diameter: 1080mm
Total height: 945mm (+ agitator motor)
Palett: 1150 x 1200mm
Centric travers with 2pc folding lids, stainless steel grid under the lid, can be removed
Outlet DN50 DIN11851 ball valve
Galvanized transport pallet
Cup stirrer agitator
Max. Viskosität: 3000mPas
Typ: SRTGSI50/0,75-190
Fabrikat: Schwarzer Rührtechnik GmbH
Leistung: 0,75KW
Drehzahl: 190 UPM
Spannung: 3PH 400V
-Motor und Getriebe in neuester Aluminiumtechnologie, Fabrikat Getriebebau NORD
-Massive Rührwelle doppelt im Getriebemotor gelagert
-Rührwelle ausgewuchtet für Rundlauf im Drehzahlbereich
-1 Stück Becherrührer am Ende der Rührwelle, Oberfläche gebeizt und passiviert
-Edelstahl Flansch, Dichtung V-Ring, EPDM
Agitator control:
CEE plug switch on the container with phase inverter, zero voltage release and emergency stop
Shipping by transport company! Freight and packing charges will be offered separately!
For more information, please visit the home page for this product.