An offer from INOX Behälter GmbH
Information about this series:
Brand new electrically heated stainless steel tank with digital control unit and dissolver
Volume: 330L
Dimensions aprox.: Ø 950mm x cyl. height 530mm
Total height: 1200mm
Surface: Inside and outside brushed
Weldings grinded
Operating temperature max.: 110°C
Operating pressure max.: ATM
-Standing on three feet with wheels
-Top: Lid with 1x grip
-Bottom: Flat bottom with side outlet DN50 DIN11851 with butterfly valve
-2x grip on the sided
-1x nameplate
Heating system:
Indirectly heated
Double jacket around the cylinder filled with glycerin.
Heating through electric heating elements in the double jacket.
Operation by stainless steel switch cabinet. Digital control "mikster indu", PT100 on inside wall
Power: 3x 8KW
Voltage: 3PH 400V
Including cable and plug 32A CEE
Typ: SRTDMK/2,2-1500
Fabrikat: Schwarzer Rührtechnik GmbH
Leistung: 2,2KW
Drehzahl: 1410UPM
Betriebsspannung: 3PH 400V
-Massive Rührwelle am Rührwerksmotor befestigt mit Muffenkupplung
-Rührwelle ausgewuchtet für Rundlauf im Drehzahlbereich
-1 Stück Dissolverscheibe am Wellenende eingeschraubt
-Edelstahl Flansch mit V-Ring Dichtung, EPDM
-Motor schwingend gelagert auf Neopren-Gummimetallpuffern
Control unit agitator:
CEE switch/plug on the tank, On-/Off switch, zero voltage release, emergency shut-off